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Ten broad policy statements have been formulated to steer the direction of mental health services in Fiji 2015 -2020. These policies follow the directions of the Mental Health Decree (2010), the Roadmap for Democracy and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development 2009-2014 and the WHO Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013 – 2020.

The statements are expanded and linked to indicators in the National Mental Health Strategic Plan 2015 – 2019 and the Ministry of Health and Medical Services – Mental Health Unit – Business Plan 2015. The statements are:
1. Mental Health services will be organised in such a way as to provide all Fijians with timely access to high quality, coordinated care appropriate to their condition and circumstances.
2. National policies, strategies, programs, laws and regulations relating to mental health and suicide prevention will continue to be developed, monitored and implemented in line with evidence, best-practice, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and other international and regional human rights instruments.
3. Knowledge and skills of general and specialized health care workers will be built to deliver evidence-based, culturally-appropriate and human rights-oriented mental health and social care services.
4. A dedicated mental health budget will be provided for the successful implementation of this policy, strategic plan and mental health legislation.
5. Essential psychotropic medications, medical products and technology will be continuously and consistently available at all facilities providing mental health services.
6. Mental Health will be integrated into the routine health information system. This will identify, collate, routinely report and use core mental health data, disaggregated by sex and age (including on completed and attempted suicides) to improve mental health service delivery, promotion and preventive strategies.
7. There will be improved research capacity and academic collaboration on national priorities for research in mental health and suicide prevention, particularly for operational research with direct relevance to service development and implementation and the exercise of human rights by persons with mental disorders.
8. Locus of care will be systematically shifted away from long-stay psychiatric hospitals towards non-specialised health settings with increased coverage of evidence-based interventions, using a network of linked community-based mental health services, collaborating with non-government organisations.
9. Stakeholders from all relevant sectors, including persons with mental disorders, carers and family members will be engaged in the development and implementation of policies, laws and services relating to mental health and suicide prevention.
10. People with mental disorders and psychosocial disabilities will be given a formal role and authority to influence the process of designing, planning and implementing policy, law and services.

This policy aims to institute five principles which WHO has identified as essential for localisation of mental health services: community- based services must be in place; the health workforce must be committed to change; political support at the highest and broadest levels is crucial; timing is key; and additional financial resources are needed (WHO, 2014).


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